The DBT Solutions Program
DBT Solutions is a comprehensive Dialectical Behaviour Therapy program which is based on and adherent to the model designed and researched by Marsha Linehan at the University of Washington. This program has been researched over the past 30 years and has demonstrated effectiveness in reducing suicidal and self-harming behaviours as well as reducing the need for inpatient hospitalisations.
DBT Individual Sessions
You work with one of our clinicians (psychologist, clinical psychologist or mental health occupational therapist) to identify and understand the patterns of reactions and behaviours that are causing you difficulty and that you want to change. You will work on how to develop and integrate the skills you learn in the group in situations in your life.
DBT Skills Training Group
This group meets for 2.5 hours each week over 20 weeks and gives you the opportunity to learn skills that you may have missed out on so far in life. The groups use a classroom style approach and are co-lead by 2 DBT clinicians who are experienced in teaching the Dialectical Behaviour Therapy Skills for Mindfulness, Emotion Regulation, Distress Tolerance and Interpersonal Effectiveness.
Between Session Skills Coaching
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy Consultation Team
Each week the therapists on the DBT Solutions Team meet to work together on providing effective DBT to our clients. This allows time for each clinician to get benefit from the input of a team with over 30 years of combined experience with DBT. We also continue to build our skills through regular training events.
Our team have all completed either Intensive or Foundation multi-day trainings
with Behavioral Tech training from the USA.

Jo Gorrell / Clinical Psychologist
Jo is a clinical psychologist with over 30 years of experience and a Director of The Psychological Health Centre. .Jo attended the Intensive DBT10-day training as part of The Psychological Health Centre team in 2019 and has had an active role as an individual therapist and group skills trainer for the past 5 years.
Jo is passionate about ensuring that DBT is delivered in an effective and adherent treatment pathway. Jo brings her extensive knowledge and experience with trauma, dissociation and psychosis to her work with DBT.

Michelle Meyer / Occupational Therapist
Michelle is a mental health occupational therapist whose primary area of interest has been providing Dialectical Behaviour Therapy for the past 28 years. Michelle has worked as a skills trainer, individual therapist and team leader with DBT in settings such as community mental health, private practice, women’s services, private hospital inpatient units and day programs. Michelle has also provided training and consultation to teams looking to implement DBT in these settings. Michelle has been coordinating the comprehensive DBT program since 2019 and is our DBT Solutions Team Leader as well as a Director of the Psychological Health Centre. She completed the Intensive DBT Training with Behavioural Tech in 2000 and updated by attending the Intensive DBT Training again in 2020 with the team from The Psychological Health Centre.

Sylvina Borda / Psychologist
Sylvi is a registered psychologist with 5 years experience.
Sylvi began her DBT training in 2019 and completed the Foundation Training through Behavior Tech in 2021. Sylvi has had the opportunity to work with young people using DBT and co-leading skills training groups in her role with the YES program.
In 2021 Sylvi joined the DBT team at The Psychological Health Centre as an individual therapist and skills trainer.
For more information on the DBT Solutions Program
DBT Solutions Pathway
An information sheet that explains the pathway from initial contact to completing the comprehensive program.
DBT Solutions Fees
An information sheet on the fees and potential rebates for the DBT Solutions Program.
Suite 501, 7 Oaks Avenue
Dee Why, 2099
Northern Beaches
Monday to Friday
8.30am to 5pm
Psychological Health Centre 2017-2024. Designed By Lets Build a Website.